Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vuvuzela infection?

Vuvuzela uvulaCan the vuvuzela make you sick? Now I am not a medical doctor, but I just came back from one. I woke up on Monday with a slight throat infection. By Tuesday I went for my first visit to the doctor, but for some reason they said I was fine. By yesterday my  uvula (my klein tongetjie vir die boere!) was the size of a small carrot, but I thought it looked more like a small penis!
This story is not about the vuvuzela. I am pretty much for it, but the doctor at the medical center informed me that there was an increase in throat infections since the rugby matches at Orlando. At these matches the Vuvuzela sort of found it's way into the rugby culture. The guy at the pharmacy told me, even before I told him my condition that there was an increase in cold sores the past couple of weeks. It could also be the weather I thought?
You see I was diagnosed with strep throat. Strep throat  is the most common bacterial cause of sore throat. Because strep throat can occasionally lead to rheumatic fever, antibiotics are given. Strep throat often includes a fever (greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit), white draining patches on the throat, and swollen or tender lymph glands in the neck. Children may have headache and stomach pain. So if it is so common, can it only be the vuvuzela? Not sure about that, could be taking a sip of someones beer?
The debate here is not about the noise, but the health side to it? I mean if it is nothing it is fine, but if we are blowing all our shit into the air at a match and we could be in harms way - we should know about it.
The doctor explained that there is a real possibility that I got this from sharing a vuvuzela. She also gave me all of this...